
Sunday, April 5, 2009

almost done...

This is what I did with my saturday, Love it :). I'll put up a final pic when its in a frame over our tv.

...and I must give credit for the background-not my idea, I just loved it though; Richard Coleman, check out this stuff he's pretty much amazing and I'm obsessed with his stuff at the moment. 


Sam Spina said...

thats crazy i was going to say it looks like dalek until you said it was richard coleman, then when i clicked on the link, the dude painting the diamonds was dalek! maybe they colaboed on something, but you should totally check dalek if you aren't already into him, he does a ton of crazy geometric stuff. He has a show in Charleston right now!

Doug said...

Richard Coleman IS Dalek. I like his stuff, but I seriously hope Dalek is a middle name or something.

In other news, I'd like people to commonly refer to me as Zanger from now on.

EB said...

Dalek = James Marshall

Richard Coleman = awesome

Doug said...


Me = Fail
Also commonly referred to as :(

I blame it on both of their incredibly common names.

EB said...

its ok Zanger. haha