
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bird man: 5

previous bird men:
and thanks to Meg, "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, how appropriate. I think I should start referring to these guys a "Winged Wise Men" from now on. Thanks sis.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

a doodle for colleen

Told you this is what I imagined, sunburnt, bitten, and empty cocktail in hand. Stay indoors.

Collage #1...or attempt

So I've seen so many collage pieces lately, that I decided to take a stab at it. Yeah, it's much harder than I thought, but I plan on doing more to get better. 

The Lib

So I went to the finalist viewing/announcement of the winner last night at the library downtown. Didn't win but that's ok, I really didn't think I would, but here's some shots of the announcement and my poster on display. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remember these guys?

I kind of forgot about these, 16" x 20" posters I did for a fictional music series for my senior project. Still heart them and all their imperfections.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kickass kickball

T-shirt design for roomie's kickball team for work. Why do I love doing team t-shirts so much?

We share the same DNA supposedly...

Vid Meg took of Garrett at home doing his signature moves. Sorry for the awkward angle. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm a finalist...

So I'm in the top 30 of judging for the chi pub lib design contest. Not going to lie, I was hoping the other design I posted would have been chosen instead of this one but hey, it's cool. They are announcing the grand prize winner and the viewers choice next thursday at the Harold Washington Library Center. Myself and a guest are invited....oh that's sad. Who want's to be my guest? :/

Q & A: manly painting subject matter

No, but really. I am asking you (the few but appreciated) followers: if you were a guy (or currently are) who wants a rather large painting for your home, what would it be of? A friend (Eugene D. Curry... I hope you're reading :) ) has asked for a painting and the only description he has given me is to make it "Bad-Ass". So I'd love to hear some ideas. I have some ideas of my own but just curious of some other suggestions. Thanks 
- eb

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bird Men: 4

[do excuse the lo-res wings for now, there's only so many large bird pics I can use!]

Sweet... a Ball Turret!

haha, I'm back into doing these illustrations at work for one of the other art directors books. Anything to make the time pass, I say. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Just posting the CD cover I designed for my little brother's band (even though my fonts got messed up). I was just updating the cover to send to him because his band, Young Man Carbuncular, is having a show tonight at Monkey Business. They're pretty good for some high schoolers :). 

Monday, April 13, 2009


So I made my brother a Munny for christmas last year in the style of MWM, and kept telling him to take a picture to send to me to post here, so I finally did when I went home this weekend. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Old Bird Men cont. #3

my favorite so far. the wheels do something neat.

Old Bird Men cont.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BIRD MEN: The start of a series (?) emails

click to enlarge to see the subject of the highlighted email I recieved this morning: 

I guess it was in response to the emails we get from the other building like "yummy cannoli's in the cafeteria", those jerks. haha

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I love these two: Zoey and Paul

This looks great <3

Morning Metra

Just a picture I liked that was on my phone of a guy waiting for the metra in the morning.

I said I would... a picture of it finished. Here it is, above the tv in the living room: 

Monday, April 6, 2009


Final submitted version... and I was pretty bummed to see someone did a pretty similar type treatment as me on the submitted designs flickr page, oh well. 

Go comment on it like you think it's swell :) 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

almost done...

This is what I did with my saturday, Love it :). I'll put up a final pic when its in a frame over our tv.

...and I must give credit for the background-not my idea, I just loved it though; Richard Coleman, check out this stuff he's pretty much amazing and I'm obsessed with his stuff at the moment. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

For the sisters:

What does the background of this screenshot remind you of? I think it's a halloween book we used to read that had crazy illustrations, I think it involved a bear, eating too much of some food (burgers?), dressing up for halloween... ah I must know! 

ok thanks for the comments so now i know!: Frank Asch "Popcorn", I'm stealing this book next time I come home.

last time... I promise!

Mmk, so I think I am just about done with this design, but since I've been including you along the way, here's one last time for some comments. So it's this below... or either that without the yellow "shift" of the halftone... yea? no? don't care? Well alllrightt.

Oh and I can see it noww.... haha 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Let's take a moment...

Ronald Reagan Posing for Sculpture Class
Actor Ronald Reagan poses for a sculpture class at the University of Southern California in 1940. He was chosen as an example of the ideal male physique by the school's fine arts departments, based on his portrayal of George Gipp.

Ummm whattt... yes this is real, and it's on corbis, and one of my co-workers came across it today while looking for images for USC trojans. Riiighht.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


...for the opinions. I've taken some into consideration (sorry meg)-and am stuck at this for now. I will work on it some more later and upload a shot. 
Not too sure how im feeling about horizontal...but ehh.