Wow, thanks Mom for sending me this wonderful pic this morning. Check out the outfits, Dad in not the infamous red shorts, but an equally short/amazing yellow pair, and mom–those socks, let alone the whole outfit. Haha, I love this picture. Not sure if that's me or Shan in the stroller...?
Hahaha also- who the hell is the weirdo under the umbrella? I'd say Shannon but she looks too old in this picture.
I really think that's Shan in the stroller. I remember those fat baby legs.
...plus your hair was never that dark. So nope, not you. :)
Why can't it be you meg? And my reasoning is this: WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN? There would be at least two more there if it was me. Or maybe if it is in fact me then it just shows that mom and dad just liked me best.
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