You guyssss! The best thing ever happened to me today. So myself and basically anyone I am close to are avid followers of the website Videogum. Today had an especially funny post: Best New Party Game definately go read it. Viewers comment and you can "upvote" or "downvote" the comments. Well, for the first time ever I have the highest voted comment! 22 as of 3:20pm!! Haha. Whatever this is big news. Read the post or my comment won't make sense. Mine (below). Ugh ignore the typo, there's no correcting these posts.
And look, it's a family affair. Shan commented:

And I commented on your comment...
all hail the queen of the nerds (at 3:20pm) !
yes, sorry I didn't include yours meg.
Wait.. Am I queen of the nerds? haha.
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