So as I was looking for t-shirt screenprinting places here in chicago for Katie, I stumbled upon a terrible tshirt website that has a contest for making a good St. Patrick's day tshirt. Seeing how this website has horrible tshirts, I thought I should enter... because I WILL WIN! So below is my design that would go on a tee. Like?
And this is the horrible tshirt website:
Now I just need to incorporate the city of chicago into my design... that may just mean I write "Happy St. Pats Chicago". For a prize of $100 that's about how much effort I think I can put into this already time consuming tshirt.

This would make an awesome St. Patty's Day T-shirt; I fully expect you to be the $100 winner.
My Chicago-themed St. Patty's Day t-shirt would be the guys from the old SNL Bears superfan skit sitting around drinking green beer.
The fact that I have ideas like that is why I study law and don't make t-shirts.
I realize now once I read the rules... this tshirt wouldnt make much sense. It has to be one color....the whole point of my design is that the beer is not green yet, so I guess I wont enter it. I guess I'll keep it for my own personal use. Maybe send out cards with it on it... boo.
Ahhhh...yeah, I guess that makes sense if the t-shirt is going to be made in both green and white.
Boo indeed.
I'm going to go ahead and disagree a bit here. I think they have some great shirts. I'm personally tired of all the threadless-style shirts out there. I think it's kind of nice to see some good 'ol dumb, clunky vintage/vintage-style shirts again.
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