I had to post this. Below is Doug's description of his interview he had with Abercromie and Fitch for some lawyerly type position. I wished him luck, for the sake of getting a good job...and the fact that they MAKE their employees wear Abercrombie dress shirts in their corporate offices in Columbus. Bahahaha. Just picture this under a dress jacket:

"So, I just had to recap my trip to Abercrombie headquarters today. WOW. First of all, the place is like a massive compound kind of out in the woods, and it looks roughly like what it would like like if Crate and Barrel built a fishing village with warehouses. Swedish design, shit like random woodpiles laying around, fire pits (that have been used recently!), etc.
The next thing you notice is that everyone is just wandering around aimlessly, obviously dressed head to toe in Abercrombie gear. It was surreal; like you've just joined a religious cult based on the teachings of Ikea and everyone's about to drink the Kool Aid straight out of a douche bag.
So I'm approaching the front entrance and I'm still a solid 200 feet from the door when, you guessed it...cologne. I always assumed that the stores stunk of cologne because employees were instructed to spray it all over the store or something, but it was pretty clear that in this case it was literally being pumped through the air vents.
If that wasn't bad enough, while my brain is still trying to grapple with the fact that I'm interviewing with a company that pumps cologne directly into the office where attorneys work, I hear "Da daadaadaa Da daadaadaa EVERYBODY DANCE NOW"
They were playing C+C Music Factory, they were playing it non-ironically, and they were playing it loud.
I stopped right in the middle of the tree-and-accent-lighted path and laughed uncontrollably while sad, middle-aged professional women dressed in hoodies and distressed jeans looked on. It really made my day."
Hahaha. I love it, but in reality, Good job and good luck Doug!
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