Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Horrible news

Ahhhh the Duggars brought another child into this world! The family had their 18th child named Jordyn-Grace. All of their children names start with J's so Jordyn-Grace (is that spelling from the bible?) fits in nicely with: Joshua, 20; John-David, 18; Jill, 17; Jessa, 16; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 12; Joy-Anna, 11; Jeremiah, nine; Jedidiah, nine; Jason, eight; James, seven; Justin, six; Jackson, four; Johannah, three; and Jennifer...oh and Father Jim-Bob, yes Jim-Bob. Oh I hate/love the Duggars.
funniest one yet
So I think this is the funniest/strangest request I've had to make of all the clipart I've been doing so far. It's one of those african women who stretch their lips with plates. I can't even look at this or the reference photos anymore.
As I was making this a few people walking by my cubicle stopped turned and looked just to say "um....alright" and keep walking. haha. Yea I always have the strangest things on my screen... like so:

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Emily, I promised you a doodle of you know who and his motorcycle-riding-breakaway-pant-wearing-antics. Enjoy:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Better than Hallmark

So (above) the first one is the original idea for our card. Simple, funky, neon colors....awesome. I had some free time at work so I whipped up this idea and some others for Daryl. Below I made 4 separate versions I thought mom could print out and send to different people (coolest colors to the family members we like the most, of course) or she could use the second one pictured above and have all four versions in one card. I don't know which I like the best yet, but now they're making my spray painted cards look like poo. Well at least my cards sent noxious fumes across the country... with love of course :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
and more.
Maybe you are getting sick of looking at these, but hey here's two more I did at work. Jeanne Carmen and Bella Lugosi (Hey look Gar, a vampire!). Sadly, I think these are the last of them for now, guess I'll have to find something else to occupy my time....like napping.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
X-mas* cards

*Oh and remember how mom would yell at us when we were young if we wrote "x-mas" saying it was taking "Christ" out of Christmas, well Daryl was wrong. Back in the day X stood for Christ (or something like that I read from my book at work) ...soooo there Mom.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Three more...

Here are two more of the illustrations I have been working on to help someone out at work for The "Gigantic Armchair Reader" book..ugh. Usually they send the reference images off to an illustrator but this time I've been doing them! I kind of enjoy doing them, so I hope they keep coming.
PS. My sister's came up to Chicago for my super sweet 23rd birthday. We had a fun time, shopping, eating, etc. Shannon got a taste of the midwest and the fresh snow we had on my birthday. Below is a pic of us just before Meg and Shan drove back to Columbus, taking a walk by the semi-frozen Lake Michigan.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
back in the day..

Does anyone else remember playing with this in preschool? I do, and now am making my digital versions.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I finally got to do something cool at work today! I illustrated this lovely vasco de gama because their clipart was not good. Yay! (its not done yet, but you get the point)

(now it's done)
Psychedelic airports

Quick update on my thanksgiving: Went to columbus to stay with Meg and Doug, great time, cooked good food, was nice and relaxing, got stuck in detroit "the 'D'" airport forever, lost my luggage, got back to chicago late at night....and woke up to lots of snow. yikessss.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is the thanksgiving card I sent home to my family. It was inspired by Shannon's lack of desire to eat meat. I can't wait for tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Christmas giftsssa (for dad so dont read)

So I am working on an idea to paint for my dad's christmas present. My sister has bought a cornhole/baggo/bags whatever you call it game for him for tailgating and I want to paint it for her. Instead of paintings something stupid like the "USC" logo or a football field or any number of dumb things frat boys put on their boards (usually painted poorly by a sorority girl who is an "artist" yeaa...) I want to do something that is cool and that he can use other places than just williams brice stadium.
I think our family's coat of arms would be neat. I have a thing for family crests and think I could execute it really nicely, almost vintage tattoo-looking like, and I think it's also something that is masculine and that Dad would appreciate. Meg isnt really fond of this idea, but i sketched it out and took a pic with my phone and colored it in to get the idea above. I like the version on the left, the black and white on wood.... Meg? I dont even really know why Im blogging about this because besides meg, only 2 other people read this, oh well. (Im pretty sure Dad doesnt, but if he does...FORGET EVERYTHING YOU JUST READ) ;)
Monday, November 24, 2008

I found these kids while looking for clipart of badminton... it was very strange these two were in a set. So i saved them and colored them in. I kinda like them.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Mailbox, pencil, open mailbox!
So you don't have to be a type nerd to appreciate this, but you will even more if you are one.
Someone sent me this at work today.
So funny!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
JWilkesBooth rides the Metra?

Every day I take the metra train to work to the suburbs, and every day this little hip man rides too. I always thought he was interesting looking, rides a bike, tweed coat complete with elbow patches, usually a large scarf, a 50's style hat, retro glasses, and of course his mustache curled on each ends. It wasn't until yesterday when I was searching for images of John Wilkes Booth (typical work task) that I realized this little hipster man must be JWB reincarnated, except complete with a sweet bike and glasses. I have drawn him above and compared him with JWB to the left. I am in no way exaggerating or creating a characature of this little man, he really looks that strange.
Oh and I also thought I had found a new "hobby" to pass time at work (who else does this?) and started reading books on google reader...till i found out they take out pages so you can't read the whole thing. Blast!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Eli Cash's taste

Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Kim Jong-ILL
Right now at work I am searching for artwork to be used in a book of completely useless facts. ha...seriously though there's no reason why you ever need to know these facts.

So today, I was searching for artwork for an article about crazy leaders and came across these interesting facts about Kim Jong-il:
According to this book he claims:
-To have been born on a sacred Korean Mountaintop, with his arrival eliciting thunder, lightening, and a DOUBLE rainbow.
-He has written six operas in two years
-The first time he golfed he made 11 hole-in-ones
-He also kidnapped a legendary South Korean film director and his wife and kept them imprisoned for four years until they agreed to make movies for him....except that one really happened.
(just some of the lovely stuff I find at work)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I am working on a series of prints that are playing with type and letters and fun stuff... so answer me this:
What is Useless?
(animals, objects, people, etc.)
I am playing with the word "useless" and USE LESS....so leave me some feedback.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Meg and Doug's visit ...

About 20 minutes into our museum trip I found the room I had wanted to find.... Seurat's "A sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte". For anyone who has seen Ferris Bueller, you know they come to the museum and pose with statues, hold hands with a chain of students, and of course Cameron sits down and stares into this painting. The scene shows him starring, and then zooms in close, about 5 times until all you see is the tiny dots used to make up the image of the boy's face, (Seurat was the first to use pointilism), but it's my favorite scene from my favorite movie, so I was pretty excited to sit and contemplate my life just as Cameron does before he decides to "let his monkey off the leash"? perhaps. :) (Shannon will understand this)


Oh and the highlight of this trip was seeing someone famous! As we were waiting in the cold to get into the museum on the steps, Doug started to shake as he announced that Aziz Ansari was ahead of us in line. Ok this is a celebrity to us, maybe not to anyone else. He is one of the guys from "Human Giant" and has also been on "Flight of the Concords". He was there with his buddy from Best week ever, who later gave me a dirty look when I didn't see him and was trying to sneak a picture of Aziz on my phone, so I stopped and could only get this picture above of Aziz texting on a bench in the Asian art room. It's actually a pretty neat/sad picture, you just can't tell who it is, but I promise you it is:

(Aziz is the one in the middle)
We had a good time at the museum, and I will definately be back...that is unless they find out that I am not a student at USC like I said I was to get the "student" price...hehe. The rest of the weekend was fun, we ate at great restaurants, went to fun bars, and even saw a bit of snow!
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween in Chi-Town

Halloween: Chicago really should be known for celebrating it like crazy. We went out to the bars and there wasn't one person not dressed up or one bar that was not packed. We had a good time, I was an 80's aerobic person, not biggest loser like i had planned, and my roommate was a Lion. We met up with our friend Mallory was a troll. The last picture is the guy i ran into in the bar who was coincidentally dressed as my workout partner. It felt like a movie, a really cute nice guy dressed the same as me--that our minds were on the same brainwave...and of course the girls he was around really didn't like me talking to him, haha. So that was the end of that fantasy meeting. Oh well.
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