
Friday, December 12, 2008

Better than Hallmark

My mom was worried she couldn't think of an idea for our 2008 Burke family Christmas card. We Burke's always make our own and usually incorporate a lovely, unflattering and outdated family photo where usually one of us has our eyes closed. Since we are all in different parts of the country and are just plain uncooperative, I'd thought I'd make mom some choices to use to send out a fun illustrated christmas card. 

So (above) the first one is the original idea for our card. Simple, funky, neon colors....awesome. I had some free time at work so I whipped up this idea and some others for Daryl. Below I made 4 separate versions I thought mom could print out and send to different people (coolest colors to the family members we like the most, of course) or she could use the second one pictured above and have all four versions in one card. I don't know which I like the best yet, but now they're making my spray painted cards look like poo. Well at least my cards sent noxious fumes across the country... with love of course :)

1 comment:

Doug said...

I like all four at once. It's like a Warhol Christmas.