About 20 minutes into our museum trip I found the room I had wanted to find.... Seurat's "A sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte". For anyone who has seen Ferris Bueller, you know they come to the museum and pose with statues, hold hands with a chain of students, and of course Cameron sits down and stares into this painting. The scene shows him starring, and then zooms in close, about 5 times until all you see is the tiny dots used to make up the image of the boy's face, (Seurat was the first to use pointilism), but it's my favorite scene from my favorite movie, so I was pretty excited to sit and contemplate my life just as Cameron does before he decides to "let his monkey off the leash"? perhaps. :) (Shannon will understand this)


Oh and the highlight of this trip was seeing someone famous! As we were waiting in the cold to get into the museum on the steps, Doug started to shake as he announced that Aziz Ansari was ahead of us in line. Ok this is a celebrity to us, maybe not to anyone else. He is one of the guys from "Human Giant" and has also been on "Flight of the Concords". He was there with his buddy from Best week ever, who later gave me a dirty look when I didn't see him and was trying to sneak a picture of Aziz on my phone, so I stopped and could only get this picture above of Aziz texting on a bench in the Asian art room. It's actually a pretty neat/sad picture, you just can't tell who it is, but I promise you it is:

(Aziz is the one in the middle)
We had a good time at the museum, and I will definately be back...that is unless they find out that I am not a student at USC like I said I was to get the "student" price...hehe. The rest of the weekend was fun, we ate at great restaurants, went to fun bars, and even saw a bit of snow!
I love Chicago so much! I wish the modern wing had been open, but we'll have to visit again some time. The last time I was there they had an extremely cool Diane Arbus exhibit.
I also can't believe we saw Aziz, who is definitely my favorite actor/character on Human Giant. You just don't get those kind of third-tier celebrity sightings in Columbus. Hell, I've been waiting a year and a half to run into Drew and Natalie Dee with no luck.
I like that I am a stand-in for Cameron in your photos. Hmm, I do get awfully stressed out by things that are supposed to be "fun"... maybe its a perfect comparison. ;)
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