-Do I add full color?
-Keep black and white and different background color?
-Add grays for shadows?
-Is he too hipster-looking?
-Is someone going to assume the bike is fixed gear and laugh that there is a rack on the back, because no one would put a rack on a fix–UGH...
-Are the items too jumbled, can't tell what they are?
-Should I add more things on the back? Like what?
- Is there too much cable wrapped around?
-"Take it home" or "Bring it home"?

I kind of like the simplicity of the one background color and the black and white outlining-- I'm not sure what last year's winner looked like, though, and if they normally want more colorful things, but I love the way it looks as is. What is the dark black thing (not the obvious cord) coming out from the totem pole and into the octopus, though? Is that a flashlight?
Ugh it does look like a flashlight. It's part of a t-square... hmmm I will rework this.
man was that really a year ago? i think bring it home is a better saying. it sounds more punny to me. i get a mash-up of cheerleaders from bring it on and a baseball coach yelling it at a kid in my mind when i think of bring it home, and i like that. and i think the illustration is awesome, but what if you made the black dark gray instead? i think it would look better with the pastel-y orange color. or change the orange color to a more saturated orange.
This looks great! Very simple and clean looking.
It could use some more color though. Maybe some greens to tie into the CPL's all-green logo?
A strong concept so far!
Good luck!
I like the picture alot!
I would stick with "take it home". "Bring it home" sounds like something that would be said in the huddle of high school football team.
The cord seems a bit long but as I know nothing about graphic design I have no specific suggestions on how to change it. :(
Hope you win!
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