This is too funny. October 17, Katie, our friend Paul and I are running in the Men's Health Urbanathalon. It's a race around downtown but with lots of obstacles (tires, stairs, hurdles, jumping over taxi cabs etc.) So I wanted to make our team a t-shirt for it. Paul went to Iowa, and we are gamecocks, obviously, so this is the t-shirt design I have drawn so far. It's so funny, but has made me realized how strange our mascot looks.
Both of these mascots are birds, yet the Hawkeye is strong, wears clothes, and has a human-like figure. Cocky, on the other hand, is basically wearing a mu-mu, has ladies legs (in black leggings?), has slippers for feet, and doesn't wear pants? He was obviously modeled after Mickey mouse or some character because the original one they use on the website has white cartoon gloves also. I think it's time for a redesign USC.
But back to the design--I will put our team name on it most likely, but had started working on a cloud of smoke behind them. It's not right though, something's off....suggestions? I'll post the final when it's done.

I don't know what you want to be different, I obviously cannot contribute my comments. But I LOVES IT! XOXO
Haha, your description of Cocky wearing a mumu literally made me LOL. Hawkeye looks like he's a trainer for two red Big Birds on Biggest Bird Loser. I love it (but the smoke looks too--- smokey?)
If I was on your team you'd have to add a dumb human-nut hybrid. Now that's a bad mascot!
HA! Ok well my favorite part is if you zoom in on just the upper left corner of the illustration it looks like the hawk is upper-cutting cocky, especially because the sweat is flying off cocky and the feathers by the hawks fist look like they came off from the punch. other then that I would say the smoke looks good its just too big, it kind of looks like pollution, which could work haha. anyways this looks good!
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