So I haven't really had much time to do anything now that I started work. I go to work, come home, make some dinner, try to squeeze in a run (although that hasn't been happening since I now need to wear underarmor leggings and earmuffs when I go running by the lake), and then usually collapse in bed no later than 10:00 pm. I am officially old and a loser. Oh well. But I seem to have more than enough time at work to do....oh anything and everything. My first week went by pretty fast, but the same isn't happening for the second. I am finding myself going to other people's cubes asking if they have anything for me to do...please! Im begging for work so I don't sit and stare at my computer, but hey I'm getting paid, and after listening to one man on the train at 6:00 saying how he was just going to his second job where he works till 3 in the morning, only to wake up for his first job at 6am... I'm thanking my lucky stars.
Well the weather is def changing. The leaves are all pretty and falling, and our street and sidewalks are lined with crunchy leaves. The temperature is also getting lower and lower each day it seems. Today was 40's when I woke up and was the first day there was frost on the cars. Good thing I went out this weekend to the North Face store and splurged on a jacket that will save my life in a few weeks to come. This will be my first cold halloween. When we were kids we always wanted a costume that wasnt too hot... where kids here need costumes that include masks (to shield your face from the wind) and gloves. Speaking of Halloween I think i have come up with a great creative idea (yet again, I'm awesome lol). Im not saying just what but it involves ordering a 4XL shirt online.... going to be great. Luckily Katie's (my roommate) parents will be here on that saturday so maybe they'll dress up with us, haha.
I must say I dont get much done on weekends either because lets face it, this town loves to party, and by party I mean watch football all weekend long. It' Saturday, wake up throw on your alumni colors and head to (well if youre from the midwest) any bar... we, on the other hand, go to the one SEC/USC bar, which is actually pretty close to our house. It's nice because the Gamecock alumni club meets there, and we have fun (except on games like last saturday). College football during the day, rest, and then out at night. Sundays are even bigger for Bears, Browns, etc. fans. We hope to go to a Bears game sometime soon. I have never been to an NFL game before.
Thanks to my big sister, I got to book my flight to thanksgiving. I am not going home this year, but instead I'm flying out to columbus OH to have thanksgiving with Meg and Doug. I also just tried an Apple Crumble recipe similar to the many I ate in Ireland, that will be my contribution to the dinner, ok maybe I'll help out with something else but don't get your hopes up! jk. Should be fun because as much as I miss my family and can't wait to see them, I'll be happy to still be in cold weather for thanksgiving. Roasting a turkey in a sweater in our driveway in 78 degree weather never really felt like Fall to me. I wonder if it will have snowed by then? Paste a picture of my head in one of the chairs in the dining room for me Shan, k?
Two comments:
1. I can't wait for you to come visit! It will definitely feel like a "real" fall Thanksgiving, I promise.
2. Shan, I would like a photo of my head pasted on a dining room chair too. And if you want, put Doug's on a stool-- but in the corner, facing the wall. :)
1. This Thanksgiving is going to be the realest. We're going to officially call it T-Givin' and it's going to rock the socks off all other Turkey/Apple Crisp feasts.
2. If possible, I would like my photo to be crying.
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