Friday, July 31, 2009
Present from Mom

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
YMC: take 2

Working a new illustration for my brother's band again, since they are now short one member or something like that. The last one I did was very loose, daytrotter-y style. Maybe going with something like this next? BROTHER: Respond to me via any communication device, I need your input!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Soundscreen has a great idea

Got an email this morning about this company Soundscreen that has these poster "frames". Theyre basically wood at the top and bottom of a poster to hang on the wall- glassless, so they're affordable and moveable. I think I'm gonna get a few when I move into my new place**, because I think I'm going to buy a few amazing posters from some of the studios around the city/beg for a job. haha.
** Oh yea started looking for a studio apartment yesterday, saw some ok ones, good ones, and some yikes NO ones. But I'm pretty sure the neighborhood I'm going to like/afford is boystown!! I think it will be really nice to live there :).
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Meg asked me to do this for her crazy conference for OSU. I think it looks pretty cool.... for the english dept. ;)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I may be a little behind...

...but this is my first time ever using a wacom tablet. I asked to use one at work so I got one at my desk...this is going to be funnnn. :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
What a weekend
This weekend my brother Garrett, my sister Shannon, and our friend Tyler came to visit me for a weekend of Chicago goodness. Tyler started his x-country journey by bringing me my two younger siblings (he's on his way to Seattle and who knows where after this). They came for Pitchfork but we crammed a lot of fun/touristy things in. On fri I showed them the city, since it was Gar's first time in chicago. He loved everything. I could have just taken him on a bus and shown him a dirty alley and he still would have loved it. We played tourist and went on a skyline boat tour and acted super cheesy with it. 

I took them to the Art Institute and we mainly ran around the new-ish modern wing. We walked around and made immature jokes about a lot of the modern "art". It was really cool, tiring, but cool.
On saturday we went to Pitchfork Music Festival, the main purpose my sibling were visiting me. Two days (well three actually but we just went to two) of some of the best bands:

Saturday:DisapearsCymbals Eat GuitarsThe Dutchess & The DukePlants and AnimalsFucked UpThe AntlersThe Pains of being Pure at HeartBowerbirdsFinal Fantasy - dude's crazyPonytailYeasayer!!! - the sounded amazing, played so many new songs, one big dance partyin the rain!Wavves -This guy seems like a jerk. Was his first show since his freakout in Barcelona and he played with a broken wrist because he broke it skateboarding. What a tool.DoomLindstromBeirut -sounds just like his cd's, tons of instruments + eastern european languageson stageMatt and Kim - Really fun, hard to see, Kim's super excited all the time.The Black lips - Ehhh... didnt like getting smashed in a mob of people and dudesmashed his guitar on their first song!?The NationalSUNDAY:Michael ColumbiaThe Mae ShiDianogahFrightened Rabbit enjoyed these scottish guys.Blitzen Trapper as always, sounded greatThe Killer WhalesPharoahe MonchWomenThe ThermalsDJ RuptureThe Walkmen sounded good, played forever it felt like.JapandroidsM83 -Ok so someone told me M83 sounds horrible live...LIES!!!They were amazing. So much more dancy and fun thantheir album. Awesome.Vivian GirlsMewThe Very Best ---was the very best! Check them out on myspace. So much fun.The whole concert was seeing flaming lips' theatricalperformance while only a handful of us checked out The VeryBest, and it turned into a crazy dance party that ended in theirThe Flaming Lips - I mean we walked by it for a second, counts right?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I love people like this:
While looking for a bike on Craigslist i found this. Haha.
Womens 10-speed bike. Red Ranger. Ultra super duper fast.Tires are goodBrakes are goodNo problems with the derailleurOverall, this bike is in great shape. I bought it earlier in the summer for my girlfriend. She has since left me for a better looking man, so I’d like to erase all memory of that little heart-breakerLadies, if you are looking for a solid road bike that travels faster than the wind blows, please send an email.Thank you!
haha. Poor Guy.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I made this...

Yikes. Basically what a lenticular looks like. Made for the front of a book... no but really.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
I bet you think I love baseball
We had a great saturday, my first day back in Chicago. Woke up went to Wrigley for a nice lunch and got tickets to the game vs. Cardinals. Believe it or not Cubs won. Oh and the man who sat next to me got pooped on by a pigeon twice.

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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