Monday, September 22, 2008
Shandon Baptist Church
By the way for those who didnt know 'twas my little sistahs birthday this past friday... or thursday here New Zealand time. We didn't get to send much presents being so far away that a letter costs almost $45 dollars to send, haha, so I sent here this (which took quite some searching to do). I just hope she played it super loud in her tiny dorm down under and partied to it. I like to play it here and with no one's birthday coming up soon I really don't have an excuse for it. Happy 20th Shan-don.
So I officially got a job! I came here to get one and in less than 2 weeks I actually got a full time decent job. I interviewed for an intern position with Publications International for my first interview since I got here, and halfway through the interview they stopped me and asked if I wanted to interview for the assistant art director position instead? I kindly thanked them and said no I'd rather get paid $150 a week instead of a salary.... just kidding. I went through with that interview and appearntly they liked my work because a week later they offered me the position. I'm sorry... I'm an assistant art director? Ha that sounds unreal to me. I just hope they were right in asking my to apply for that posistion. In all seriousness I know I can do whatever they give me, but it just seems very professional for me, but I always think less of my work and abilities, which usually turns out helpful in most ways for me. 
So I start work on Oct. 1st, and having already been doing basically nothing but getting our apartment together the past two weeks, I literal
ly have to create projects for myself to do (that dont require spending too much $$) this week to keep me occupied. I was thinking of going to the Dick Blik art store around here and just wandering around the aisles. I have never been into this store-let alone seen a free standing one, but have always ordered from it since forever, so that's always an option.
I also need to get to a target or somewhere to buy a shelf for my room and a bedside table...both which require some strength or possibly a car instead of me carrying both back atleast a mile (each way) down Lincoln. I don't want to attempt that, but I think it must be done.

Well that's my update on my work/boring life. We had a fun weekend this weekend, since my roommates have full-time, energy sucking jobs our weekdays consist of dinner and an hour of tv and bed by 10, we live for the weekends. Friday just Kate and I went on an adventure of a night, going out to the bars where we figured out each one we went to was more of a college depaul bar, (hmm still looking for the good places) and then somehow got to 10pin... a club like bowling alley. Ha..for real. It was actually pretty fun, we bowled a round and watched the crazy screens play dance videos and then headed back out of the city to Lincoln park to go home. Saturday we watched our Gamecocks just barely beat Wofford and went out to meet our new group of friends we have been making. Sunday was spent walking around Michigan Avenue to find Nordstroms Rack (which would not be possible without my new phone with GPS). It just still boggles my mind that we can say "lets go downtown"...and by downtown I mean the 3rd most populated city in america that I call home now :). It's still so amazing to me that I'm here. Well that's my update for now, hope my posts aren't too boring for you since I lack the gift of witty writing that appearntly the rest of my family excels in so well. ha.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

by the way...I know I've shown a few people but i love this website. People make graphs of pretty pointless things, but sometimes they are really funny, other's... not so much. This one has to be my favorite:
animations ooh la la...

Our animations from maymester class got some press coverage. Although they didn't mention anyones name (way to go USC journalism) a screenshot of my animation is up at the top. Pretty cool. If anyone is still in Columbia in April, go see a show at Nickelodeon theatre and my animation will run before the film starts. Pretty awesome mannn.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Life on Geneva
Life on N. Geneva Terrace:

So here are a few pics of our apartment since we have settled in, here's the first pic of the outside of our place. We luckily have the first floor so moving in wasn't that bad. Parking on our street is a pain, but Ashley is the only one with a car, so we don't have to worry about that too much.
Below are some pics of the living room. We have great bay windows that let in a lot of light since most of the rest of the house is between two tall buildings. Kate and I pained the living room a dark gray color, but it looks really good especially against the artwork and our sweet giant TV ashley bought.

Here is the kitchen, when we moved in, it was this color, but we decided to keep it that way out of lack of energy to paint, and it matches our stuff pretty well. We have a nice dining area where we sit rarely, but we have a lot of great space to cook....or great space for the girls to cook.

And Lastly there's my bedroom. I painted it a dark turqouise color that looks really nice against my bedspread. I hung up a lot of my artwork and the art i had collected and it looks nice. After waiting forever for my dresser and bed I finally put together my bedroom, and although it's small, its really nice. I'm very happy with it.

And here's the office. I have my work/art desk set up there in the corner where i have plenty of room to do computer work and a whole other side of the desk to do real artwork. Its kinda messy right now since I am not completely settled, but its fine for now. Across is Ashley's office corner where she does her work.

Here is the kitchen, when we moved in, it was this color, but we decided to keep it that way out of lack of energy to paint, and it matches our stuff pretty well. We have a nice dining area where we sit rarely, but we have a lot of great space to cook....or great space for the girls to cook.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mission Accomplished!
Yep, I actually did it. September 1st came around and I packed up everything I owned and moved to Chicago. My dad and I drove up his new tahoe + a uhaul (which he didn't think we needed at first) and headed through NC, Tennesee, Kentucky, and Indiana till we reached the great state of Illinios. The ride up was ....all corn fields. Thats it, maybe a little bit of horses in kentucky but other than that it was a flat and boring ride
We arrived in Chicago and settled into our awesome apartment, I have been living in our place for a week without any of my furniture, but it has finally started to arrive. I got my desk yesterday and quickly built that, Bed and dresser should arrive tomorrow, then I will no longer have to sleep on our pull-out couch, even though that's so comfortable. Our place is really coming together, we've painted some walls, added decoration and I hung most of my paintings. We are in such a great location too, everything really worked out.
We are discovering great shops, restaurants and bars around our little neighborhood. There is so much available here there is really no reason to ever go into the city. Although we did the other day and played tourists, it was such a nice day for it too. We went down to the lake the sat. morning and watched the RedBull Flugtag. It was just like the commercials, lots of crazy people failing and making a flying craftt. Quite entertaining though.
I went on my first job interview...well twice since the first time they gave me the wrong address and of course both days i set out on the hour long El ride to the last stop in scary skokie it was pouring rain and cold, oh well. At least the interview turned out well. While i was interviewing for a not-so-great internship, they stopped the interview mid way and asked if I wanted to interview for an assistant art director position! So surprising... guess now is the time I thank my old professor for making us spend so much time on our portfolios.
Everything is going really well, we are meeting new people and having fun in this new time-zone. I do miss my family, but I will see them soon enough. If anyone's reading this and feels like visiting the windy city...we have a pullout couch for you!
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